Events by Continent

Upcoming Events in North and South America as well as Australia

North America is comprised of over 22 nations, South America of 12 nations, and Australia of 14 nations. Over 48 nations together have countless festivals and other events to celebrate. Who knows that they may have some of the most unique experiences to give you? Check them out!

Upcoming Events in Europe and Africa

Europe is comprised of over 50 nations, while Africa has more than 52 nations. These nations together have to offer some of the most popular, bizarre, adventurous, and fun festivals. You may just plan to not only enjoy a festival in one of these nations but also explore some of the aspired tourist destinations nearby.

Upcoming Events in Asia

While Asia also comprises of almost 50 nations, it is the most populated continent to consider. It is also where you will find the most diverse festivals on the planet. The inclination is more towards the traditions and different cultures. You can even expect more economical festival tours than other continents although a few may prove to be significantly priced.